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All About Micro-workouts

Posted by on Mar 14, 2024 in workout routines | 0 comments

All About Micro-workouts

Less than half of Americans get the recommended minimum for physical activity, 150 minutes of moderately-intense exercise. That said, no activity is a waste of time, even small spurts all add up and offer health benefits. Some is better than none. And that leads us to a current trend known as the micro-workout, also known as a mini training session. Think of a micro workout as an exercise ‘snack’. Snacks, if well planned and nutritious, help to bridge gaps in the diet and contribute to overall nutrient needs. They are,...

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Plank Variations: Stability Ball

Posted by on Feb 24, 2024 in resistance training | 0 comments

Plank Variations: Stability Ball

Plank exercises are popular for working the core because they engage so many different muscle groups and help to strengthen supporting (hip, spine) muscles. Of course, the prime mover muscles for planks include the major muscles of the front of your core, the transverse/rectus abdominis and oblique muscles. Your upper body muscles, such as the deltoids, lats, traps and triceps, get a workout as well. With proper positioning, you will controct your quadriceps to keep your knees straight and tuck the pelvis in, engaging the glutes. Incorporate...

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Walking Health Benefits

Posted by on Oct 14, 2023 in fitness | 0 comments

Walking Health Benefits

Walking is the most popular type of exercise for many reasons. It is economical, easy on joints, simple, heart-healthy, effective for weight management, fun, and great for beginners, to name a few benefits. According to research, simply taking more steps every day (regardless of pace or intensity) lowers your risk of developing cardiovascular disease significantly. A dramatic reduction in heart disease risk was seen in those who raised their daily step count from less than 4,000 per day to over 8,000 per day. Other benefits include promoting...

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Yoga pose: high plank

Posted by on Oct 3, 2023 in yoga | 0 comments

Yoga pose: high plank

The high plank is a classic static asana yoga pose that works many muscles throughout the body. Some of the muscles engaged while you are holding this pose include your triceps and shoulders, abdominals (core), back, gluteal muscles and legs. It enhances balance and strengthens the hands and wrists. There are many variations and, beginners may lower their knees to the floor to take some of the weight off of the arms and other muscles. In full form, you should be almost in the starting position for a push-up, arms straight, weight balanced...

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Moderate Exercise Promotes Gut Health

Posted by on Sep 20, 2023 in coaching corner, fitness, healthy living | 0 comments

Moderate Exercise Promotes Gut Health

Studies have shown that engaging in physical activity at a moderate level of intensity has a positive effect on metabolism and the microbiome. Intense training (over 70% of VO2max) reduces microbiome diversity but only in the short term. Elite endurance athletes have high levels of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the gut. SCFAs are producers of healthy gut bacteria. A sedentary lifestyle, however, is associated with, not only the development of chronic disease, but a loss of muscle mass. This loss of muscle mass, according to experiments...

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Cycling: 10 Health Benefits

Posted by on Jul 16, 2023 in fitness, healthy living | 0 comments

Cycling: 10 Health Benefits

All exercise offers some health benefits. But, since it is summertime, let’s focus on some of the lesser known benefits of cycling. Consider dusting off your bicycle and heading out to the hills. You may have a desire to after you read about some of the top health (and other) benefits of this timeless sport. Lung and brain power. Cycling pushes your cardiorespiratory system hard, improving oxygen and blood flow. A strong cardiovascular system makes you ‘fitter’ and able to do more with less effort, including running up those...

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