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Get tuned in to what is newsworthy and interesting in the field of wellness. Access written pieces in all areas of wellness, including nutrition and healthy eating, physical activity and fitness, cooking and recipes, food facts, topics in health coaching and much more.

Pulses: Health Benefits

Posted by on Apr 18, 2024 in eat smart, vegetarian | 0 comments

Pulses: Health Benefits

What are pulses (in food terms?) Pulses are the official name for a broad category of plant foods in the form of dry, edible seeds that grow in pods. All pulses are legumes but not all legumes are pulses (think peanuts and soybeans). The main categories of pulses are dried beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils. What are the advantages to eating pulses? They are protein and fiber-rich, also an excellent source of complex carbohydrate and many other nutrients. If you are starting with the dried (not canned) form, soak overnight. This softens the...

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Mindfulness: The Five Senses Exercise

Posted by on Apr 5, 2024 in coaching corner | 0 comments

Mindfulness: The Five Senses Exercise

When you are being mindful, you are present in the moment. You are aware of your thoughts and feelings, body sensations and environment. It involves bringing your focus to the present moment through a variety of exercises and strategies. Mindfulness exercises promote positive psychology and reduce feelings of stress. Practicing mindfulness enables you to slow down, to observe without over-reacting and feeling overwhelmed. It can bring you feelings of peace. One exercise for promoting mindfulness is the Five Senses exercise. It involves tuning...

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Sauces for Spring

Posted by on Mar 28, 2024 in fruits and vegetables, recipes | 0 comments

Sauces for Spring

Spring is here and it’s time for fresh ideas. Have you ever considered redressing your veggies? Good sauces enhance a vegetables natural flavor while keeping the veggie the ‘star’ side dish. Buttery cheese sauces are tasty but hardly the only option. Why not try these uncooked sauces for a tasty veggie topping or dip: Orange sauce: 3 TB fresh orange juice, 1 TB olive oil, 1/2 tsp grated orange zest, freshly ground salt and pepper to taste. Serve atop cooked carrots, asparagus, beets, sweet potato wedges and other veggies. Yogurt mint...

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All About Micro-workouts

Posted by on Mar 14, 2024 in workout routines | 0 comments

All About Micro-workouts

Less than half of Americans get the recommended minimum for physical activity, 150 minutes of moderately-intense exercise. That said, no activity is a waste of time, even small spurts all add up and offer health benefits. Some is better than none. And that leads us to a current trend known as the micro-workout, also known as a mini training session. Think of a micro workout as an exercise ‘snack’. Snacks, if well planned and nutritious, help to bridge gaps in the diet and contribute to overall nutrient needs. They are,...

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Breakfast for Better Health

Posted by on Mar 5, 2024 in meal planning, nutrition basics | 0 comments

Breakfast for Better Health

For breakfast eaters and skippers alike…there are so many healthy options for breakfast, small to hearty. Why eat breakfast at all? According to a meta-analysis of research studies published in the journal ‘Obesity Research & Clinical Practice’ in 2020, skipping breakfast is associated with overweight/obesity and skipping breakfast increases the risk of becoming overweight/obese. Results are consistent. Breakfast eaters have a decreased risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease. Breakfast eaters typically enjoy...

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