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Mindfulness: The Five Senses Exercise

Mindfulness: The Five Senses Exercise

When you are being mindful, you are present in the moment. You are aware of your thoughts and feelings, body sensations and environment. It involves bringing your focus to the present moment through a variety of exercises and strategies. Mindfulness exercises promote positive psychology and reduce feelings of stress. Practicing mindfulness enables you to slow down, to observe without over-reacting and feeling overwhelmed. It can bring you feelings of peace.

One exercise for promoting mindfulness is the Five Senses exercise. It involves tuning into your environment using all five senses, being fully aware. In the following order you take a moment to (1) notice 5 things you can see (possibly things you might otherwise not notice), (2) notice 4 things you can feel (such as the texture of the shirt you are wearing, a smooth surface, the sun on your face), (3) notice 3 things you hear in the background, (2) notice 2 things you can smell and, (1) notice one thing you can taste (of a drink, of the taste in your mouth, the air, a piece of gum). Finish this exercise aware, appreciative and centered.