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The Positive Approach

The Positive Approach

Changing your mindset to focus on the positive in everyday situations and circumstances is key to reducing stress and increasing joy. What you think, and ultimately say, about your situation, largely determines your path. “I’ll never… I can’t, I won’t…” are powerless words. Try looking at stressors as temporary situations that can be overcome. Keeping a positive outlook improves mood, and approaching stressful situations with hope increases resiliency. Making this a habit ultimately changes how we perceive reality and how stressors affect our lives.

It’s about building on what is strong instead of what is wrong and replacing dread, guilt and shame with hope, love and joy. “I can, I will” and “I am able,” are power words.Remember, your behavior follows your thoughts.

Attitude is everything. How you approach life, your mindset, the things that take your time and focus, so much stems from our attitude. Positivity wins every time. Next time a stressful situation arises, check your thoughts and what you say about the situation. Notice the difference. Bottom line…quit focusing on what you don’t have, can’t do and don’t want.