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Posted by mturcotte on Feb 8, 2011 in resistance training | 0 comments
This Valentine’s Day workout side by side with your sweetheart. In addition to getting fit and having fun, exercising together will build muscle while enhancing communication. Squats are a classic lower body toner. There are several versions of the partners’ squats. You can do them back to back, as you would a wall squat/wall sit. Or try partner assisted bodyweight squats: Stand facing your partner at approximately arm’s length away. With your feet facing forward, slightly greater than shoulder-width apart, grasp your...
read morePosted by mturcotte on Jan 30, 2011 in yoga | 0 comments
The side plank or sage tree is a balancing yoga pose that targets your shoulder and arm muscles. This pose involves supporting your body weight using the strength of one arm at a time. Concentrate on pushing away from the floor with the supporting arm, positioned directly under your shoulder, while extending your opposite arm toward the ceiling. Avoid allowing your torso to sag toward the floor and keep your legs straight, forming a “T-shape.” You will find that you are simultaneously toning your oblique muscles as you hold this...
read morePosted by mturcotte on Jan 26, 2011 in food facts, fruits and vegetables | 0 comments
A 1-cup serving of whole strawberries offers more vitamin C than an orange–81 mg, or more than 130 percent of the Recommended Daily Value for this nutrient, which is important for keeping your immune system strong. Strawberries are also rich in a class of phytonutrients (health-promoting compounds found in plant foods) known as phenols. The main phenols in strawberries are anthocyanins and ellagitannins. They are responsible for the red color of this berry and act as powerful antioxidants that help protect your body’s cells from...
read morePosted by mturcotte on Jan 2, 2011 in nutrition basics, weight loss | 0 comments
Question: “I’ve hit a plateau in my weight loss program, what should I do?” Answer: It is not uncommon to ‘hit a plateau’ during a weight loss program. You’re headed towards your goal, yet cannot seem to lose that last 10 lbs. There are several things you can do to get back on track. Be sure your weight loss goals are realistic. Are you already at a healthy weight? If not, make sure you are keeping up the intensity of your exercise program. Fitness experts recommend 30-60 minutes of exercise, most days of the week. Talk to a fitness...
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