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Gluten-Free Nut and Seed Flour Alternatives

On a gluten-free diet? Or just want to try some alternative flours for baking, thickening soups and stews or other applications? Then you’ve come to the right place. There are many gluten-free flour alternatives, some of which are also whole grain. In this piece, we’ll review gluten-free nut- and seed-based meals/flours such as almond meal/flour, peanut flour and flaxseed meal/flour.

Gluten-free nut-based meals/flours:

Almond meal (almond flour) is made from blanched almonds is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Completely gluten-free, it contains heart-healthy unsaturated fats and makes crusts crunchy, adds moisture and a nutty flavor to pastries, baked goods and dessert fillings. A 3/4 cup serving offers 6g protein, 3.5g fiber, 14g fat (nearly all unsaturated) and a whopping 10 IU (International Units) of vitamin E (roughly 35% of the Recommended Daily Value). The typical American diet, even a fairly healthy diet, often comes up short on this important antioxidant. Because of its unsaturated fat content, almond meal has a short shelf life.

Peanut flour is made from crushed peanuts that have been partially or fully defatted. Peanut flour is high in protein, offering 8g per 1/4 cup, defatted. Use this gluten-free alternative to thicken soups, sauces and stews, add a nutty flavor to baked goods or savory main dishes.

Gluten-free seed-based meal/flour:

Flaxseed meal, made by milling whole flaxseeds, is available at many grocers bagged and ready-to-use. Add flaxseed meal to smoothies, yogurt and cereals. The health benefits of naturally gluten-free flaxseeds are many. They offer anti-cancer benefits (particularly breast cancer as they contain lignans, compounds with antioxidant and anti-estrogen properties). Flaxseeds are a rich source of dietary fiber (4g per 2 tbsp. of flaxseed meal) and are an excellent plant source of the heart-healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids (1.8g per tbsp. ground flaxseed). In baked goods, you can use flaxseed meal in your gluten-free baking as a fat or egg substitute. Flaxseed meal also has a short shelf life and should be kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Gluten-Free Diet Q&A

What is a gluten-free diet and who is it best for?

Registered dietitians (RDs) and medical doctors recommend those with diagnosed celiac disease adhere to a gluten-free diet. Individuals with celiac disease suffer from a variety of symptoms, gastrointestinal and otherwise, whenever they consume gluten, a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley and (possibly) oat. It is an immune system response.

Even if a physician is able to rule out celiac disease, you can still suffer from a ‘gluten sensitivity.’ This is hard to prove or disprove because it is based on numerous non-specific symptoms such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain, headaches and skin conditions (without another likely cause)…even depression. If symptoms become less severe or disappear by following a gluten-free diet, it might be right for you. However, following a gluten-free diet is not easy and can be expensive. In addition, and gluten-free food products are not necessarily healthier, despite popular belief.

Why have gluten-free diets gained popularity within the past decade?

A combination of factors is likely responsible for the gluten-free diet’s popularity. The number of official diagnoses has increased significantly in the 10 to 12 years. This is mainly due to an increase in Celiac disease incidence and increased public awareness.

According to the University of Chicago, it is estimated that just over one in 130 individuals suffer from Celiac disease in the U.S., but twice as many individuals experience ‘related’ symptoms. Celiac disease runs in families, particularly among first degree relatives. Some [experts] believe that Celiac disease is related to our development and foods we ate when we were young. The theory is that some decades ago we were not exposed to certain antigens in the environment that are present today. In past years the environment/food supply was “cleaner” than it is now. Whether or not this is true, these theories are transmitted through media and appear in books, fueling the gluten-free diet rage.

Because of increased public awareness and diagnoses, bookstores, restaurants, supermarkets and products have followed suit, attempting to keep up with the demand by jumping on the gluten-free bandwagon. There is also the celebrity trend angle. The gluten-free diet has become a popular venue (with celebrities) for promoting overall health, alleviating numerous ailments and aiding in weight loss. It is not a weight loss diet, however, celebrity diets tend to influence the public. Finally, there is the ‘eating gluten-free is healthier’ belief. At least 1/3 of those that purchase gluten-free products believe that they are actually healthier than conventional options. Gluten-free food products may be less nutrient-dense, lower in dietary fiber and higher in calories than their whole grain counterparts.

Fitness Trends for 2013: Topping the list…

Every year, major organizations, such as the American College of Sports Medicine, conduct worldwide surveys of fitness trends to predict the upcoming year’s most significant fitness elements, not only ‘FYI’ but to aid consumers, industry professionals and retailers (of sports and exercise equipment). Just because a category of exercise or a fitness trend is considered to be ‘out of vogue’ for this year doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to do it. The best indicators of whether you will be successful and adhere to a particular exercise program are how quickly you see results (and how impressive they are) and whether or not you enjoy the activity. So regardless of this year’s fitness trends, always stick with what works for you.

Top Fitness Trends: Back to Basics and Group Personal Training

What fitness trends are ‘out’ and what are ‘in’ for 2013? One of the biggest fitness trends for this year is ‘going back to the basics.’ Pilates and ‘Zumba’ classes, while once all the rage, are no longer considered to be ‘hot trends’ (do not appear on the ‘top 10  fitness trends list for 2013).

So, what are the ‘basics?’ Good, common sense high-intensity aerobic exercise combined with basic resistance training moves is effective, takes less time and is cheaper, particularly if you perform body-weight training exercises (making the fitness trends list for the first time at #3).

Fitness trends for 2013 that also made the top 10 list include small group personal training and programs that combine exercise with calorie-restricted diets. Small group training offers several benefits that make it worth considering. By training four individuals (if similar fitness levels) simultaneously, each participant pays 25 percent of what one person would pay, making it more appealing cost-wise. The trainer makes money without sacrificing on quality, and the participants obtain similar or even better results.

Other Fitness Trends: Out with the new and in with the old?

Once a staple of any strength training routine, classic body weight training exercises have made a huge comeback, forcing newer sensations, such as Zumba, to take a back seat. Why? Because they are effective and do not require expensive equipment, accessories or a significant learning curve. Exercises such as push-ups, squats, lunges and even plyometric jumps benefit exercisers of all levels without busting the budget (think boot camp-style workouts).

While some old classics are making a comeback, newer fitness trends, such as TRX suspension training, are only getting hotter.