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3 Tips for Clean Eating

Eat more plant-based meals: a vegetarian diet requires significantly less water and energy than a meat-heavy diet. Eating a fiber-rich, plant based diet promotes healthy cholesterol levels, and may add years to your life.  Make the meat you choose organic/grass-fed, eat it less often and for seafood, choose sustainably caught. The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch website section makes it simple.

Clean eating is not an ‘all or nothing’ concept. You can take steps to move your diet in that direction without sacrificing everything. Any of the following practices will improve the quality of your diet and, in turn, your health.

  • Limit processed foods ~ One way to do this is to concentrate on the perimeter of the grocery store when you shop. That’s where you’ll find fresh produce, lean meats, eggs and other minimally processed foods. Of course the middle aisles do offer clean processed foods, such as oils, nuts, canned tomatoes, spices and whole grains, such as oatmeal and quinoa. Minimally processed foods, such as plain yogurt, can be a part of a healthy diet whereas many frozen meals may not fit into a clean eating plan.
  • Cut down on added sugars ~ reading labels and ingredient lists can be helpful in limiting added sugars. Ingredients are listed by weight, with the most prominent first. The American Heart Association recommends keeping added sugars at 25 grams/day or less, which is about 6 teaspoons per day for women and 36 grams/day, or 9 teaspoons for men. Even 50 grams/day would be an improvement over the average adult’s intake of 70 grams sugar/day, or over 17 teaspoons per day. Limit condiments, such as ketchup and BBQ sauce, choose unsweetened beverages, limit desserts. Choose foods with natural sugars for your sweet carvings, such as fruit.
  • Eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables ~ experiment with a variety of whole grains that take you beyond whole wheat pasta and oatmeal. Buy fresh fruits and veggies or minimally processed frozen (without sugar or sauces) produce. To control costs, shop smart. Go for sales and shop in-season when buying fresh produce. If possible, shop at produce markets and/or farmer’s markets where prices on certain items may be lower.

What is Clean Eating?

Eating clean or ‘clean eating’ refers to a popular diet trend characterized by a few key features. Some of these features include eating locally (and supporting sustainable practices), minimizing processed foods, nourishing yourself on whole foods, such as whole grains, fruits and veggies regularly throughout the day. Clean eating also recommends limiting unnecessary extras, such as alcohol, added sugars and sodium. Clean eating is not an ‘all or nothing’ concept. Small changes add up over time and can make a difference in your environment and your health.

One of the key characteristics of clean eating is minimizing processed foods. What is a processed food? A processed food is a food item that has been modified through mechanical or chemical operations to change it. According to the USDA, this includes, but is not limited to milling, chopping, heating, drying, canning…etc. Clean processed foods do exist such as whole grain pasta, whole oats and plain yogurt. However, many processed foods contain sugars and other additives (natural and man made). Part of the recommendation for limiting packaged foods is because of BPA, a chemical found in cans, as well as chemicals in plastic. Explore your grocery store for ‘cleaner’ versions of many packaged and bottled foods, such as condiments.

Clean eating is a trend geared towards minimizing food waste, promoting local foods and sustainable farms and minimizing the ‘junk’ in the American diet. It is not just a diet trend but a food movement.



3 Tips for Creating Healthy Habits

Creating healthy habits is a great way to make small, incremental lifestyle improvements for better performance and to reduce your risk of developing chronic disease. If it truly is all about the journey, make it worth your while by keeping these tips in mind:

Set goals: What do you want to do? Accomplish? Goals should be clear, reasonable, specific, and, if possible, measured or quantified in some way. Instead of “I will eat healthier this year,” try “I will eat 3 servings of vegetables every day. Write your goal down and keep it visible. Read it and re-read it regularly. Use power statements, “I will” instead of “I’ll try.” How will you achieve this goal? What are the steps? If your goal is weight loss, what tools, resources, activities and habits that help you get there?

Stay positive and reward yourself along the way: Celebrate successes and don’t underestimate the importance of recognizing your progress. If your goal is to complete a 5K run, reward yourself every time you complete a practice race, shed time on your miles, etc. Instead of saying “I can’t” say “I can” and “I will.” Complaining won’t get the job done and if it is too easy, was it really a worthy goal in the first place?

Mark your calendar: In addition to writing down your health goals, use an online, old-fashioned, calendar, day timer, journal, etc. Use it to schedule your workouts, shopping trips, to make notes. Noting the number of veggie servings you eat daily will enable you to track weekly average servings. Stay on top of your progress. Make time for your goals and specify the steps you’ll need to complete to reach them.