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Making healthy food choices

Eustress versus Distress

Posted by on Aug 14, 2023 in coaching corner, for mental health, healthy living | 0 comments

Eustress versus Distress

Stress is both good and bad depending on the source, length of exposure and our reaction (positive or negative). Different situations and life events can cause stress. On the one hand, good stress, eustress, motivates us to action and stimulates us in good ways.

Eustress leads to excitement and anticipation. Life changes, small challenges and new experiences often cause short-term eustress. Examples of situations inciting eustress include being in a new relationship, trying a new workout or physical challenge, starting a new project or job at work. Though similar in physical reaction to chronic, overwhelming stress (initially), eustress typically incites positive change or growth as a result. It’s good for us, improving resiliency and giving life purpose.

Chronic, overwhelming stress from negative situations is not so healthy. It can be persistent, long-lasting and emotionally draining versus energizing. Difficult situations may cause excessive worry. It’s important to do what you can to control this type of stress, even if it’s by reframing the issue or changing how you respond to the situation. Click here for stress management strategies. One way to change your mindset is to change how you think of a stressor. Thinking of it as a challenge versus a threat can make a big difference in your attitude and approach.




Healthy Snacking Tips

Posted by on Aug 9, 2023 in healthy living, nutrition basics | 0 comments

Healthy snacking is all about size and balance. A snack should be a part of your total intake of food for the day, instead of ‘in addition’ to large meals. When eaten out of hunger, versus boredom or as an emotional crutch, snacking can be healthy! Snacks should fill in nutrition gaps, act as a bridge between meals that are (too) far apart and be nutritious. Snacking gets a bad rap because many snacks are processed, unhealthy carbohydrate choices with too much fat, sugar, salt, calories, or all of the above.

Tip #1: Pair protein with carbohydrate for lasting energy and balance. Good pairings include fruit and nuts or yogurt, cereal and milk, lean meat and whole-grain bread, veggies with cheese, nut butters with fruit, to name a few. A small portion of leftovers works well too.

Tip #2: Don’t let snacking be your downfall. Limit the 5 C’s: chips, cookies, crackers, candy and cakes. Homemade, lower-sugar versions are acceptable. And there are healthy crackers…but most are highly processed and include unhealthful ingredients.

Tip #3: Snack for the right reasons. Include a snack in your meal plan because you are hungry, have missed out on a meal (or had a light meal), have a long block of time between meals or to tame hunger before a meal (and prevent overeating later). Learn to identify true hunger and when boredom strikes, or you are tempted to eat for emotional reasons, replace the snack with something that will nourish you in another way, like talking with a friend.


Tomato, Corn and black bean salsa

Posted by on Aug 5, 2023 in eat smart, in season, recipes | 0 comments

Salsas are a delicious blend of veggies and herbs, typically, and go far beyond the limited roll of zesty dip for chips. Salsas are a fresh, healthy condiment that can top chicken, tacos, fish dishes and more. Most salsas have a tomato or tomatillo component and build from there. Chutneys are also condiment sauces, often featured in Indian cuisine, that are based on fruits with additional ingredients.

Tomato, Corn and black bean salsa


1 cup finely chopped, seeded fresh tomatoes
1/2 cup black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup corn kernels, from frozen, thawed
1/4 cup finely minced red onion
1/4 cup finely minced cilantro leaves
1/2 jalapeno (seeded), finely minced. As hot or mild as you would like
2 tsps extra virgin olive oil
1-2 Tbs freshly squeezed lime juice
Salt and freshly grond black pepper to taste

In a medium-sized bowl, combine all ingredients. Serve chilled or room temperature. Approximately 60 calories and less than 3 g total fat for 1/5 of recipe.

What is Mindfulness?

Posted by on Aug 2, 2023 in coaching corner, healthy living | 0 comments

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is state of being. It’s not a specific exercise or activity. Being mindful is characterized by having a heightened sense of awareness and acceptance (without judgement). It doesn’t involve clearing your mind or getting lost in your thoughts. On the contrary, you are aware of physical sensations, thoughts and feelings as they occur, completely in the present moment. When you notice a thought, such as ‘I feel anxious,’ you leave it there. You don’t judge the feeling, elaborate on it or try to change it. Simply observe it.

You tune into sounds, smells, notice how your body moves and feels. You pay attention to your breathing. It’s a matter of taking everything in through a sense of awareness and peace. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, such as through meditation, a walk in nature, eating with mindfulness and being aware of all of your senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling. You are not distracted with thoughts but are present in the moment, in the place, taking everything in.

Why practice mindfulness? Benefits include improved mental processing speed, focus and clarity, less intense/frequent feelings of anxiety and depression, improved adaptability during times of stress, decreased rumination and an enhanced ability to manage your emotions.

Delicate Herbs Dictionary

Posted by on Jul 29, 2023 in fruits and vegetables, meal planning | 0 comments

Delicate Herbs Dictionary

Herbs and spices are a true goldmine. So versatile, exciting and healthy. Many herbs offer anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-cancer and antioxidant benefits. Herbs contain plant chemicals that promote heart health. Get started today adding delicate flavor with these milder herbs. Add to your recipes in the final minutes of cooking. Consider snipping into tiny pieces with sharp scissors.

  • Chervil – often used in French cuisine, along with tarragon, parsley and chives, aka ‘Fines Herbes.’ Has a subtle parsley/licorice flavor. Resembles carrot top leaves. Can be used at the end of cooking process or in cold food prep. Great with string beans, green salads and tomatoes as well as soups, fish and meat dishes.
  • Chives – Has a light onion, mild garlic flavor. Particularly easy to snip with scissors. Add to seafood dishes, eggs and omelets, green beans, tomatoes, potatoes and salads.
  • Dill – Particularly delicate flavor. Use leaves on fish and seafood dishes, and with vegetables, including cucumbers, green beans, potatoes and potato salad, tomatoes and beets. This feathery herb is delicious in tzatziki sauce.
  • Mint – Refreshing, bright, slightly sweet taste. Comes other varieties: spearmint, orange/apple/lemon and peppermint. Use in dessert recipes, beverages (such as iced tea and cocktails) and salads, including grain and veggie salads (tabbouleh). Goes well with lamb and other veggies including corn and potatoes, string beans, eggplant and tomatoes.
  • Parsley, – Subtle flavor, faintly herbal. There are 2 main types, flat-leafed and curly (also known as Italian parsley). The flavor is generally better in the flat-leafed variety. Works well in tomato sauces, salads and salad dressings, nearly all vegetables, widely used as a garnish, in marinades, seafood, meat, egg and seafood dishes.