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Herb-growing tips

April is National Garden Month and, as we transition to the warmer days of May, a great time to consider growing fresh herbs. Why? A few of the benefits include versatility, flavor, nutrition and health benefits, cost and convenience. Light gardening, such as growing herbs in pots, for example, is great for reducing stress, fostering creative juices and adding freshness to your diet.

Herbs can grow in soil in the ground, in raised beds or pots. What to start with? Start with the herbs you already use and are easy to grow and thrive, such as basil, thyme and oregano. While you can grow many herbs successfully from seed, using starter plants from trusted sources gives you the ability to harvest your herbs almost immediately. Parsley, mint and basil are well suited to growing in pots. If you start from seed, expect a 3-week wait for adequate growth before harvesting.

Herbs need plenty of sunlight, at least 6 hours/day, pots with adequate drainage (terra cotta pots work well) and potting soil (versus garden soil). Better to use a pot that is too large than too small as the plant can outgrow the pot and easily dry-out. You can plant several herbs in a larger pot as they may do better growing together, sharing resources. Be sure to choose herbs with similar hydration needs.

Pulses: Health Benefits

What are pulses (in food terms?) Pulses are the official name for a broad category of plant foods in the form of dry, edible seeds that grow in pods. All pulses are legumes but not all legumes are pulses (think peanuts and soybeans). The main categories of pulses are dried beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils.

What are the advantages to eating pulses? They are protein and fiber-rich, also an excellent source of complex carbohydrate and many other nutrients. If you are starting with the dried (not canned) form, soak overnight. This softens the seed and decreases cooking time, which makes them easier to digest (less gas). Pulses are vitamin-and-mineral-rich, high in magnesium, zinc, iron and folate, to name a few. Here are a few key health benefits:

  1. Anti-cancer/anti-carcinogenic: The phytochemicals, or plant chemicals, found in legumes include saponins and tannins. The protect cells from free radical damage while fighting cancer though various mechanisms, including cancer cell death and inhibition of cancer cell development.
  2. Lower cholesterol levels: pulses are high in dietary fiber, both insoluble and soluble. Fibers are non-digestible plant components essential for promoting healthy digestion. Soluble fiber is a viscous, gel-like substance that binds with bile acids, and is particularly helpful for reducing cholesterol levels.
  3. Lower insulin and blood sugars: Because fiber cannot be broken down to sugar molecules, it passes through the body undigested and helps regulate the body’s use of sugar. Pulses are low glycemic index, meaning they have less of an impact on insulin and blood sugar levels than many other carbohydrates.

Mindfulness: The Five Senses Exercise

When you are being mindful, you are present in the moment. You are aware of your thoughts and feelings, body sensations and environment. It involves bringing your focus to the present moment through a variety of exercises and strategies. Mindfulness exercises promote positive psychology and reduce feelings of stress. Practicing mindfulness enables you to slow down, to observe without over-reacting and feeling overwhelmed. It can bring you feelings of peace.

One exercise for promoting mindfulness is the Five Senses exercise. It involves tuning into your environment using all five senses, being fully aware. In the following order you take a moment to (1) notice 5 things you can see (possibly things you might otherwise not notice), (2) notice 4 things you can feel (such as the texture of the shirt you are wearing, a smooth surface, the sun on your face), (3) notice 3 things you hear in the background, (2) notice 2 things you can smell and, (1) notice one thing you can taste (of a drink, of the taste in your mouth, the air, a piece of gum). Finish this exercise aware, appreciative and centered.